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jual Fishfinder 160 Ci / for call : 021-68800617 [ 9 Jun. 2011, 22:29:22 ]
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Jual GPS Fishfinders 160Ci

GPS Fishfinders 160Ci memudahkan anda mencari ikan dan navigasi di laut. Fish finders 160Ci kini menggunakan bahasa indonesia.

Physical & Performance:
Unit dimensions, WxHxD: 6.1" x 4.9" x 2.9" ( 15.5 x 12.4 x 7.4 cm)
Display size, WxH: 3.2" x 3.2" ( 8.0 x 8.0 cm)
Display resolution, WxH: 128 x 128 pixels
Display type: 16-color CSTN
Weight: 17.6 oz ( 499 g)
Waterproof: yes ( IPX7)

CANet® compatible: no
Audible alarms: yes
Dual-frequency sonar capable: no
Dual-beam sonar capable : yes
Split-screen zoom: no
Ultrascrollâ„¢ ( displays fish targets at higher boat speeds) : yes
See-thru® technology ( exposes fish hidden in cover) : yes
Fish Symbol ID ( helps identify fish targets) : yes
AutoGain Technology ( minimizes clutter, maximizes targets) : yes
Whiteline ( indicates hard or soft bottom) : yes
Adjustable depth line ( measures depth of underwater objects) : no
A-scope ( real time display of fish passing through transducer beam) : no
Bottom lock ( shows return from the bottom up) : no
Water temperature log and graph: yes
Water temperature sensor included: no
Water speed capable ( displays speed on water) : yes

Frequency: 200 kHz
Transmit power: 150 W ( RMS) , 1200 W ( peak to peak)
Voltage range: 10-18
Maximum depth: 900 ft
Cone angle: 14 or 45 degrees ( dual beam)

- Selain GPS tersebut diatas, gps yang sangat potensial digunakan oleh surveyor adalah : gps 60Csx, gps eTrex Hi, gps eTrex Vista Hcx, gps 60i, gps 76csx, gps colorado 300, dan yang paling terbaru gps oregon 300. Kami sebagai dealer resmi GPS khususnya GPS GARMIN menyediakan gps yang saya sebutkan tadi, garansi 1 tahun. Untuk pemesanan bisa hubungi di : 021-68800617 / 0856-93020847
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