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PT OCTA PRIMA LESTARI Rukan Mitra Matraman Blok B-12 Jl. Matraman Raya 148 Jakarta TLP : 85902391 - 85918154 - 85918155 - 8512595 - 081398855242 - 08128638194 - 087781122777 - 081510069705 Fax : 85918178. Web : . E-mail : sal
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AGRICULTURAL INSPECTOR KIT[12 Feb. 2012, 21:40:32]
Jumlah Pesanan:
Cara PembayaranTunai
Kemas & Pengiriman1 KIT
Negara AsalInggris
MODEL : AG 21 - 100
Made in United Kingdom.

- Supplied in a purpose built aluminium carry case and complete with a handy carry sack, this kit possesses the unique ability for the user to carry out the full range of seed and soil quality testing procedures all in one fully portable system. Ideally suited to farmers who require an on the spot determination of the quality of both seeds and soils.

- Grain Moisture Meter, 0-100 Relative scale and digital readings for 15 pre-programmed crop calibrations
Soil Moisture Probe with a range of 0-1bar negative pressure
N-P-K Soil Testing Kit, sufficient for 50 tests

- Tropical Soils Colour Chart

- Set of 3 stainless steel, agricultural sieves with lid and receiver

- Hand Held GPS system for the accurate recording and measurement of bearings and positioning
Sack Spear Sampler for grain, 12.7mm diam. x 650mm long, single slot, protective cover

- Soil Auger
- 2 x Plastic Sample Bottles
Pack of 25 re-sealable Polyethylene Bags
- Hand Held magnifying Glass
( PT Octa Prima Lestari )

- Grain Moisture Meter
Easy to use, lightweight and portable, this meter is ideal for measuring
moisture content in a wide range of crops.

- Soil Moisture Probe
A robust soil tensiometers which is used to measure the moisture available within the soil for plant growth. An important tool for use in irrigation scheduling.

- NPK Soil Test Kit
A simple test kit used for measuring the key nutrients in the soil essential for
plant growth:
N Nitrogen: promotes the growth of leaves and vegetation
P Phosphorous: promotes root growth
K Potassium: promotes flower and fruit growth

Other items in the kit will help to take samples and classify soil and crops.
Finally, a hand held GPS survey unit is included to enable the inspector or
farmer to log their survey position accurately using 21st century technology.

Rukan Mitra Matraman Blok B-12
Jl. Matraman Raya 148 - Jakarta
Tlp : 85918154-55 , 8512595 & 85902391
Fax : 85918178
E-mail : meliati_layarda@
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